UNSTOPPABLE (2024) (River Birch Press)

UNSTOPPABLE: How One Person with Autism Is Never Giving Up on His Lifelong Dream To Become a Teacher and Worldwide Influencer will take you on a gripping story of how I took on Autism head-on, persevering through discrimination in my own neighborhood, all the while not being given a full range of opportunities. I tackled one of the most rigorous programs in California in order to obtain my teaching credentials. Currently a substitute teacher of NMUSD as I await landing a full-time teaching career, I have made an impact on thousands of students, often being called the "best sub."

I never gave Autism the prerogative to stop me from achieving what would bring me joy in life - spreading acceptance of others' disabilities and teaching classrooms of students. Notwithstanding, life has brought me a world of setbacks and standstills, causing me to put in extra effort to prove my competence and helping me learn how to go through things rather than around them.

Juggling the Issues: Living with Asperger's Syndrome (2020, 2019) (River Birch Press)

Juggling the Issues: Living with Asperger's Syndrome is an anthology of short stories about my personal experiences living with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (I was diagnosed circa 2001 under DSM IV. Now, under DSM 5 "Asperger's Syndrome" is no longer a diagnosis.) In my book, I shed light on the ways in which certain challenges have impacted my everyday life. My mind simply works differently. I had struggled with social and conversational skills, and had poor eye contact. Simple tasks take longer for me — such as reading or organizing my thoughts — while remembering things like the president’s birth, term and death dates; the elements of the Periodic Table; and the books of the Bible come more easily to me.

Juggling the Issues: Living With Asperger's Syndrome is an important read for anyone whose life has been touched by Autism Spectrum Disorder. My insights aim to lend understanding, provide inspiration, and encourage readers to put aside differences and embrace the gifts that others have to share with the world.

It can be ordered on Amazon, Barnes & NobleWalmart, or at any library or department store.

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